Neck pain and headaches are one of the most common complaints for which a therapist is visited. Kinesiology tape improves the blood flow to the tissue, thus relaxing this area.
Neck complaints
A large percentage of the population suffers from neck pain from time to time. Headaches and neck pain are one of the most common complaints for which a therapist is visited. The neck consists of 7 cervical vertebrae with intervertebral discs that provide shock absorption to the spine. The head rests with the skull on the first cervical vertebra; the second cervical vertebra allows the head to turn. The muscles and ligaments in the neck ensure stability and movement of the neck and/or head.
Causes of neck pain
There are various types of neck pain with different causes and symptoms, which should also be treated differently. Neck complaints can be acute or chronic and are divided into specific and non-specific complaints. In the case of specific complaints, tissue damage is visible on the X-ray or MRI (wear and tear, neck hernia or osteoporosis). In case of non-specific complaints, the cause of the complaints is not clearly identifiable. However, muscle knots and tissue tension can often be observed in the neck region. Kinesiology taping can offer a solution to various neck complaints.

- Stiff feeling in the neck
- Tingling or loss of strength in the arms
- Dizziness
- Stabbing pain
- Radiating pain to the head, shoulders, back or arms and hands
- Restriction of movement with turning and bending of the neck
Few people can say that they have never had a headache. Fortunately, it is often temporary and caused by the flu and colds, sinusitis, poor vision, poor ventilation, sleeping problems, hormonal changes. There are different forms of headaches: tension headaches, migraine, facial pain and cluster headaches.
Causes of headaches
In addition to the above causes, bad posture, tension or stress are also factors that can cause headaches. In this digital age, an incorrect position of the head in relation to the neck is often the cause of neck muscle strain. Trigger points in the muscles can also cause annoying symptoms.
- Slight to moderate, dull pressing pain in the head
- Stiff feeling in the neck
- Tingling or loss of strength in the arms
- Dizziness and slight nausea
- Stabbing pain
- Radiating pain to the head, shoulders, back or arms and hands

What to do about headaches and neck pain?
There are several treatments for neck pain and headaches with Kinesiology taping possible. The treatment techniques below can be applied to different symptoms. It is very important that a correct diagnosis is made, in order to make a treatment plan. For example, headache can also come from the (lower) back and does not need to be a direct consequence of neck pain.
Kinesiology taping in case of increased tissue tension or tension headaches
If the tissue feels tense, or in case of tension headaches, taping the trapezius pars descendens and the levator scapula on both sides of the neck is a good choice. The tape improves the blood flow to the tissue, thus relaxing this area. The base of the first relaxation tape is applied to the acromion without stretching. Bring the cervical spine into heterolateroflexion and let the tape run in the direction of the linae nuchae.
The second relaxation tape is applied in neutral position at the levator scapulae insertion. Bring the head into lateral flexion and allow the tape to run slightly stretched in the direction of the transverse process.
Lymph tape for extension problems or osteoarthritis
In cases of extension problems in the cervical-thoracic transition area, whiplash, headaches and general arthritic changes around the cervical spine, this taping technique has proven to be a successful application in practice.
- Cut a Y tape. Place the base of the tape at thoracic vertebrae 4/5 and let the client perform a maximal flexion with the head
- Run the two strips of tape at heterolateral head rotation to the right and left of the spine
- Then cut an I tape. Fold it in half and cut it twice from the fold so that there are 4 strips within the I tape
- Place the tape with maximum stretch over the cervical-thoracic transition. Then spread the strips over a wider area
Lymph tape for whiplash, CWK complaints or tension headaches
More information:
- Request a CureTape® sample pack for free »
- Continue reading about CureTape kinesiology tape and it’s effectiveness »
- Browse through the CureTape products in our webshop »
- Continue reading about kinesiology taping instructions »
Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.
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