Ankle Stability & support – Kinesiology tape

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What is ankle instability?

Many people, especially sportsmen, suffer from ankle instability. This instability is often caused by repeated twisting of the ankle, which stretches or tears the ankle ligaments and the healing process is long and slow. Approximately 30% of people still suffer from instability one year after tearing the ankle ligament. Ankle instability can be accompanied by swelling and gives a feeling of insecurity during walking and sports. Besides swelling, stiffness is a complaint associated with weak ankles.

Kinesiology tape for ankle stability

There are athletes who like to “stabilise” their ankles during sports with the well-known white, non-elastic sports tape. Movement is almost impossible. This gives the athlete a certain feeling. After sports, this tape has to be removed again. In contrast to the rigid sports tape, kinesiology tape allows athletes to continue to use their joints. The tape also remains in place for several days and is waterproof!

Ankle stability with kinesiology tape: 8-figure with CureTape®

We know of an application of kinesiology taping that is very well suited to both ankle instability and preventive exercise. The advantage of this taping technique is that the tape remains in place for a few days and showering is not a problem. The tape also provides pain relief, moisture drainage and improved function. If the foot joint is unstable, a tape can be applied which provides a supportive effect and also stimulates the proprioception of the foot joint. The joint receives a signal via the nerves not to sprain. The tape feels like a second skin and is not perceived as disturbing. The tape application for ankle stability has the shape of an 8 and can, depending on the type of instability involved, be applied medially or laterally for support. In case of a medial sprain, we recommend applying the 8 tape below. Please note that CureTape® should be applied without stretching, but use maximum stretch over the ligament structures of the ankle.

How to tape for ankle instability?

  • Place the end of the tape over the lateral malleolus.
  • Let the tape run in a caudal direction, under the foot (heel).
  • Run the tape up, over the medial malleolus to the front of the foot.
  • Let the tape run backwards over the medial malleolus by going to the dorsum of the foot towards the outside and in the region of metatarsal.
This tape can also be applied the other way around, starting on the inside. For athletes, a stronger proprioceptive stimulation is often necessary. This strong stimulation is achieved by making the 8-figure double-sided (the 1st starts medially, the second laterally). For successful treatment of ankle instability with CureTape® visit a therapist or sports masseur.

Instructional video: Taping for ankle stability

Taping tip: use CureTape® Sports for foot problems. Applying tape to the foot is a vulnerable area where tape can come off faster. Especially if stretching is used and tape is applied over tape. For this reason we have used CureTape® Sports in the example and video for this taping application.

Discover CureTape®

You have never worked with CureTape®? Too bad, we would like to change that. As a medical professional, you can request a free sample pack from us. Receive three CureTape® rolls for FREE! Click on the button and fill in the form.

Are you a consumer? Ask your physiotherapist if they use CureTape® in their practice. Or you can simply order one of the rolls yourself in our webshop. Success guaranteed!.

✓ Stretchability from 130% to 140%
✓‎ Effective in treating various conditions such as golfer’s elbow
✓ The most widely used tape among professionals

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Frequently asked questions about ankle stability

How to tape an ankle for stability? We have explained how to tape your ankle using kinesiology tape above. If you do not know how to do it, ask your physical therapist to do it for you. Can you use kinesiology tape for ankle stability? Yes, you can! The use of kinesiology tape is ideal for stabilizing your ankle.


Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals. Attention: Mentioning source is mandatory, when using the content on this page.t.