Hamstring Injury

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The hamstring injury is a common, often acute, injury to the upper leg. This injury is high up in the top 10 most common sports injuries.

How does a hamstring injury occur?

The hamstring is a collective name for a group of muscles located at the back of the thigh. The main function of the hamstring is to extend the hip and bend the knee joint. The hamstring also helps to rotate the knee.

In many sportsmen and women, these muscles are often shortened; in explosive sports such as football and handball, the hamstring can easily be stretched or even torn.

The cause of this injury must also be sought in an imbalance of the thigh muscles (muscle length and strength) and instability of the trunk and pelvic muscles.

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Treatment with CureTape® within the rehabilitation process

The recovery time from a hamstring injury often takes several weeks to three months, depending on the severity of the injury.

Treatment with CureTape® supports the rehabilitation process and reduces the pain, restoring the function.

This makes it easier to carry out muscle-strengthening and stabilising exercises of the trunk and pelvis. This tape application can also be used preventatively before sports or during competitions.

Instructional video: taping a hamstring injury

Taping a hamstring injury

Kinesiology taping work description for a hamstring injury:

Green tape (CureTape Sports – lime):

  1. Measure the tape length with the hamstring in a stretched position by having the client stand or lie down.
  2. Place the end of the tape on the fibular head and the condylus laterlis / medialis tibae.
  3. Have the client extend the knee and bend the hips.
  4. Apply the CureTape with a 10% stretch to the sciatic tuberosity (just below the buttock)
  5. Rub CureTape well for better adhesion

Black tape (CureTape Sports – black):

  1. If there is a muscle tear, a cross can be applied over the affected area using the ligament technique as additional support.

More information:

Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.

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