Knee pain is one of the top 5 health problems that are treated successfully by therapists using kinesiology tape. The knee is a complicated and large joint that is prone to injuries and therefore knee complaints. This can be an acute complaint after a trauma, but also chronic knee complaints due to, for example, wear and tear. Approximately 6.5% of treatments by a professional practitioner are knee-related.
Within the Kinesiology Taping Concept there are various taping applications that can be used for different knee problems. These taping applications can also be applied in a preventive manner, to give the patient a safe and stable feeling during a sporting activity and can prevent further knee damage.
Kinesiology Taping in case of pain around the kneecap
The cartilage under the kneecap can be damaged by joint injuries and / or overload. The result is pain in and around the kneecap and limitation of movement on the stretch side of the knee. The pain complaints often arise gradually because the kneecap does not run smoothly through the groove of the thigh. The symptoms can worsen in activities such as climbing stairs, running, cycling and squatting.
Long-term sitting with a bent knee can also be painful (often patellofemoral pain syndrome).
Cause must often be sought in stall deviations of knee or ankle, or a disturbed effect of the muscles (shortened muscles, loss of strength). Intensive training on hard ground can also cause these complaints.
This taping application is recommended in the above knee problems:
1: Stimulating fascial tape in Y-shape around the patella.
The patient sits or lies with a bent knee opposite the therapist. The base of the Y-tape is fixed without stretching about halfway on the quadriceps femoris. The tape is then applied with a slight stretch in the direction of the patella, with the splice placed around the edge of the patella and ends together without stretching on the patellar tendon.
2: Y-tape for additional knee stability.
For additional stability and function improvement, a second Y-tape is applied. The base is applied to the tuberosity (the lumpy bone below the kneecap of the upper part of the lower leg) and the two strips follow the patellar border laterally and medially.

Instructional video: Kinesiology Taping for knee complaints
View our new instruction video now, in which the applications of tinesiology taping for knee pain are explained. When CureTape kinesiology tape is applied as shown in the instruction video below, the natural movement is stimulated, which is important for the recovery process.
In this video the 3 types of tape applications are combined. A combination of these three taping applications is possible for large knee complaints. Depending on the complaint, you can also choose to uns only one or to combine two applications.

Kinesiology Taping for knee osteoarthritis, instability and strained or torn knee ligaments
Wear in the knee is one of the most common forms of osteoarthritis. The knee is a complicated joint that exerts a lot of strength. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage is affected so that the bones do not slide smoothly and pain-free over each other.
Wear normally develops gradually from a certain age, however, cartilage damage can also be caused by a fracture, knee ligament damage or a tear in the meniscus.
This taping application is recommended in the above knee problems:
1:In the neutral position, a single I-tape is applied in the middle on the lateral side of the painful knee, with a lot of stretch according to the ligament
2: Let the patient bend the knee lightly and apply two strips with a lot of stretch crosswise according to the ligament technique. Two stripes are needed for this side of the knee, because the ligament fibers cross slightly medial.Please note that no stretch is used at the anchors!
This combination of taping applications provides a stable feeling and pain reduction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and knee ligament injuries after a distortion (sprain of the knee).
Knee taping for inflammation of the synovial capsule and fluid in the knee (Synovial Plica Syndrome)
A plica is a fold in the joint capsule that can become irritated and inflamed in certain activities. The pain is noticeable on the inside of the knee and increases during bending and stretching. Fluid in the knee (also knee effusion or water on the knee) is a common knee complaint and is a symptom for various knee problems.
Within the Medical Taping Concept there is a taping application that can be used for
swelling of the knee or for inflammation of the plica:
Cut an x-tape. The tape is applied without stretching in the middle of the knee cavity. Then guide the strips with very little stretch in X-shape lateral and medial of the knee. The tape must absolutely not affect the freedom of movement.

Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.
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