Within the Kinesiology taping Concept, there is a simple taping application that can influence saliva production and the swallowing process in many clients. For many clients with for example multiple disabilities, Parkinson, Down Syndrome or after a stroke, swallowing and saliva production can be disturbed.
Among speech therapists and/or orofacial physiotherapists, this tape application is known as “S-tape”. In general, the experiences in the field are positive. This tape application does not always seem to have an effect, but it is certainly worth trying. The result can be seen fairly quickly. A narrow tape is applied under the chin. By stimulating the fascial structures in this region, an influence is exerted on the muscles and nerves which control the swallowing movement and saliva production.
Case study from a therapist
A speech therapist at Zorggroep Apeldoorn, the Netherlands shares with us her best-practice experiences of two clients:
Case study Mrs A with Parkinson’s disease
Mrs A has had Parkinson’s disease for some time and the neurologist has prescribed glycopyrronium to reduce the loss of saliva. Mrs A. indicates to me that she is reluctant to take another medicine. I taped Mrs. under the chin (I give the caregiver and family a basic text with instructions, this text varies per client) and instructed the caregiver about this. Immediately after placing the first tape, mrs. benefited from this; the loss of saliva decreased because mrs. started to swallow more often at rest due to the stimulation of the tape.
After several months of taping, we tried it without the tape. Mrs. does not seem to need the tape anymore now, because she is still doing well. Probably the ability to swallow at rest is so engrained in the brain that she can do it herself again.
Case Mr B. idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
Mr B has individual speech therapy for soft and unclear speech due to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Client complains of excessive loss of saliva at night. It is so bad that the mattress is soaking wet in the morning. After I taught Mr. and his wife to tape Mr. B before going to sleep, the complaints decreased. Mr. B has tried three colours of tape, he says that the pink tape gives the best result for him. It sticks best, it stays on all night and his pillow and mattress are not wet the next day.
He forgot the tape during a weekend away and the mattress was soaking wet again. This gentleman is still using the tape to his full satisfaction.
Instruction: Taping in case of excessive saliva loss
- Tape under the chin every working day (skip Saturday and Sunday), or tape five out of seven days in the week, so that the skin is not taped and can rest once in a while
- DO NOT remove tape when it is still (mostly) stuck
- Heat the tape between your hands, so that the tape adheres better
- Tape 2 cm. (approximately) from the chin, across the width
- Tear the paper in the middle and hold the ends firmly (a thumb width)

- Stretch the tape to the maximum (this is the experience with Parkinson’s patients). Tip about the use of stretching: let a therapist determine the stretching per patient and clinical picture. With children, for example, no stretching is used
- Hook the paper pieces back with the middle fingers so that you do not touch the tape with your fingers
- Apply the tape from the middle under the chin
- When the tape is applied, rub the tape for better adhesion
- If necessary, apply a new tape in the morning to a dry, clean (shaved) skin
- In case of irritation, remove the tape immediately
- Tip: remove the tape by first dabbing it with (baby) oil so that the tape releases itself from the skin, this prevents skin damage

More information:
- Request a CureTape® sample pack for free »
- Continue reading about CureTape kinesiology tape and it’s effectiveness »
- Browse through the CureTape products in our webshop »
- Continue reading about kinesiology taping instructions »
Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.
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