Lymphatic Taping is ideal for lymphatic drainage and lymphedema and part of the Kinesiology Taping Concept.
What is lymphedema?
Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates in and around the tissues of the body. Waste is removed from the tissues via lymph vessels and lymph nodes (also called: lymphatic drainage).
Lymphedema is caused by an abnormal accumulation of proteins and fluid in the body. The balance between supply and removal of moisture has been disturbed. This can lead to various complaints such as: swelling, feeling tired and lethargic, difficulty in moving, pain, infections and skin disorders.
What is Lymphatic Taping?
Lymph Taping is a part of the Medical Taping Concept and ideal for supporting lymphatic drainage. The special CureTape® kinesiology tape has the same elasticity as the skin and can be applied with a special technique, so that lymph fluid can be drained faster.

The kinesiology tape is laid in narrow strips, from a selected drain area to the area with an accumulation of lymph fluid, allowing lymphatic drainage to be stimulated 24 hours a day. For this application the skin is stretched and the tape applied without additional stretch. A pressure reduction is created under the tape, so that better fluid movement and drainage is promoted. The dense network of lymph vessels in this layer can absorb moisture from the surrounding tissue due to the pressure difference.
Beneath the CureTape®, prelymph (free moisture between the cells) is absorbed more easily and that ensures better lymph transport to the larger lymph vessels. The pressure differences between the CureTape® strips stimulate the lymph drainage even more. Moreover, during movement there is a micromassage effect.
Lymphatic Taping in combination with manual treatment
The effect of Lymphatic Taping alone mainly takes place in the more superficial layers of the skin. Alongside Manual therapy a deeper application can be applied. In this sense, manual lymphatic drainage techniques can be applied, followed by lymphatic taping techniques to further enhance the treatment.
Lymphatic Taping after an accident or operation

After an accident or surgery, swelling in the tissue occurs due to an increase in fluid between the cells. This increases the tissue pressure and causes pain. By counteracting local swelling in the event of tissue irritation as quickly as possible, blood circulation can be restored and the tissue can recover quicker. For almost all forms of tissue damage or injury, the use of Lymphatic Taping is therefore recommended.
CureTape® helps to prevent swelling, so lymphatic taping with a healthy lymphatic system is therefore generally applicable and does not have to be done exclusively by edema therapists.
The effect on scars, hematomas and fibrosis?
The treatment of scars, hematomas and fibrosis are part of Lymphatic Taping and the Kinesiology Taping Concept.
The CureTape® strips make it easier for blood vessels and lymph vessels to recover, so that the scar recovers better. Hematomas can also be rapidly reduced and fibrotic tissue becomes softer.
The benefits of Lymphatic Taping at a glance:
- Safe, effective treatment and pain-free in problem areas
- Has a draining effect 24 hours a day
- Combinations of several drainage routes possible
- Skin-friendly and comfortable
- The possibility of movement is not limited
- No restrictions when showering and swimming
Multiple scientific studies describe the positive effect of lymphatic tapes.

CureTape® in short:

✓ Elastic, breathable, self-adhesive tape
✓ High-quality cotton with latex-free elasticity
✓ Anti-allergic acrylic adhesive layer
✓ Waterproof, showering with tape is no problem
✓ Without added substances
✓ TÜV certified
Lymph Taping manual
Lymph teacher Josya Sijmonsma wrote the Lymph taping manual in 2011.
This handbook on Lymph taping is not only a reference work for edema and skin therapists, but is also suitable for all tapers with an interest in lymphatic techniques for non-edema patients.
This almost 200-page addition extensively examines the lymph problems in:
- good / healthy functioning lymph systems, for example post-traumatic or post-operative;
- secondary lymphedema, for example after breast amputation;
- primary lymphedema. The ISBN number: 987-94-91038-01-3
More information:
- Looking to apply Lymphatic Taping in your practice? Sign up for a Lymphatic Taping Course »
- Request a CureTape® sample pack for free »
- Continue reading about CureTape kinesiology tape and it’s effectiveness »
- Browse through the CureTape products in our webshop »
- Continue reading about kinesiology taping instructions »
Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.
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