MS hand function improvement – Kinesiology tape

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MS, Multiple Sclerosis, is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. In MS, there is a disturbance in the incoming and outgoing signals. The disease usually occurs in people around the age of 30. MS patients have the most diverse complaints, especially problems with muscles that are stiff, weak or out of control.One of the most common symptoms in MS patients is motoric dysfunction of the hands and fingers. Loss of strength, spasticity, cramps and stiffness are common.

CureTape Sample Request


Submitted case of Nieuw Unicum, a centre specialised in the treatment of MS patients

In 2017, we asked our clients to participate in the “Show Your Skills” campaign. By sending in a video with a case study showing how kinesiology taping is successfully applied in practice, the participant could win a tailor-made course in their own practice.

The winner of this promotion is physiotherapist Barbara van Marle, who works at Nieuw Unicum, a centre specialised in the treatment of clients with Multiple Sclerosis. Barbara frequently and successfully applies kinesiology taping with CureTape in her practice. She shares the following case study with us. The beautiful videos show that kinesiology taping is indispensable for these clients and provides relief.

Treatment 1

The client has a non-functional hand due to MS muscle imbalance. The finger extensors are severely weakened, resulting in a fist-like position of the hand.

Without Tape
Mas Arm without tape
With Tape
MS Arm with tape


Tape instruction for stimulating tape on the extensors of the forearm:

  1. Measure the length of the tape from the elbow to the fingertips.
  2. Then cut the 5 cm tape into 2.5 cm strips (or use CureTape beige 2.5 cm).
  3. From the wrist, cut this 2.5 cm into two strips of tape.
  4. Apply the stimulating tape from the epicondyle lateralis over the extensor muscles, at the transition to the hand the tape splits to each finger.
  5. For the thumb trigger (extensor pollicis longus), use a narrow I tape of 2.5 cm x 15 cm.

Tape instruction for sedative tape on the flexors of the forearm:

  1. Measure the length of the tape from the wrist to the medial epicondyle.
  2. Use the 5cm wide CureTape for this.
  3. Apply the tape without stretching in that direction.
  4. This way, the flexors of the forearm relax.
  5. The combination of these three tapes ensures that the client can stretch the fingers better again.

Treatment 2

The client has a flexion position in the MCP II to V (ball joints at the base of the fingers) as a result of low tonus in the mm. lumbricales. By applying a facilitating (stimulating) tape to the mm. Lumbricales, the client can stretch the fingers better.

MS Hand without tape
Without tape
MS Hand with tape
With tape

Tape instructions:

  1. Cut 3 strips of I tape 2.5 cm wide and cut an Y from the centre of the tape.
  2. Apply the first strip of tape from the palm of the hand and spread the small strips between the fingers to the top of the little finger and ring fingers.
  3. The strips of the second tape are applied on the ring finger and the middle finger.
  4. Apply the third tape strip on the middle finger and index finger.
  5. Rub the tape well to improve adhesion.

More information:

Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.

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CureTape Sample Request